Things are hot here - its 37 degrees outside at the moment but its pretty windy so its keeping the heat down. No humidity yet either - we are very lucky so far with that - maybe it will last for days once it starts - I hope not!!
The week was busy (apart from work which isnt right now!) - I caught up with a few old friends a few nights last week who I havent seen for a while. Although Aramco isnt that big, you can go for months without seeing some folk. So I met Judith, a nurse who I had come out here with and then Sue, Robin and Heather who I used to work with in 1995 when I first came out here! They worked with me at DMC but then managed to escape to Aramco and now all work here! So, we go back a few years!
Classes went ok apart from constant interuption from men on my Saturday class - they use the room I use for tea and coffee for conferences occasionally and despite a sign on the door saying my class was on and it was ladies only, they kept trying to get in! The ladies do not like to be seen when they have their gear off their faces obviously by men so I had to keep diving for the door to make sure they didnt come in the room!
Anyway, we went over to Bahrain on Weds night. Had thought it might be busy, but it only took an hour which wasnt bad going. Just stayed in Weds. Thurs I went to get my nails done and had a wonder around the mall for a bit, then met the girls in Trader Vics (where else!!) for lunch and a few bevvies, then made my way to the hair dressers. Was pretty happy with the result and amazed that Joseph managed to put my hair up in 40 mins!
Left around 6pm and went straight to the Gulf Hotel. Met up with quite a few friends and colleagues there. Everyone looked pretty glam too!!
The menu was interesting - crocodile and kangaroo and these bug things disguised as something else - hence to say I ate more bread really to fill up - the crocodile didnt taste of anything - just tough and fish like and the kangaroo was livery - yuk!!
They had some chippendale type dancers on, a bloke in drag and some other dancers - no long speechers like the other balls though and I even did some dancing!! Afterwards we went to Sherlocks next door - it does have a reputation for a pick up joint - some guy tried to "buy" me off Darron with a bottle of champagne which was all quite funny now looking back on it! Weird place Bahrain sometimes!!!
Friday I felt a bit "tired" so didnt do too much - went to see Star Trek which was really good if you havent seen it yet and then we went to this new restaurant Bushido - which has just opened up next to the Ritz Carlton and is on the beach. Very well done out - Japanese style and serves Japanese food - lovely decor and will be nice in the cooler weather as you can sit outside on the balconies - it also has a roof which opens up!!
We are going there next Thursday now for Ayon's birthday to try it out...
Thats it really. Didnt do much last night - well I taught Wajd at the gym - had no energy left for my own workout then tho! Then I walked a cat trap down to someone's house who is trying to catch a female cat which needs sterilising and has just had kittens. She also has a cat who just had kittens - 5 of them - so I sat and played with them for a while - I fell in love with Tiger but unfortunately due to having 2 hamsters (which it would love to play with) and Darron being hyper allergic and living in a 3rd floor flat, its out of the question for now... my job as a cat co-ordinator is so hard at times. I now have 40 cats on the website looking for homes....
So, thats about it really. Class tonight, tomorrow I'm giving boot camp a miss and going to Ikea with Gay, Tuesday I am teaching at the gym most of the evening and Weds I have a birthday meal out and then out with Ayon on Thursday night. So, another busy one!