Monday, July 27, 2009
Over in Bahrain alot this weekend....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Another weekend in Dubai...
Anyway, another week has gone by - work was pretty unremarkable for a change! I went to boot camp last Monday and then Tuesday evening went to look at a car - Ford Focus -for sale. Nice, but a bit out my price range, so still in negotiations! Going to look at a VW Polo shortly - will update you later about that...
So, flew to Dubai on Weds night - journey was pretty straight forward from Dammam to Sharjah and then taxi to Dubai. We were staying at the Merdien next to Dubai airport. I travelled with Gay, Jason and Rebecca and their 18 month old William - who was such a good boy all trip!
Hotel was fine - apart from noisy air con (which we had fixed) and no decent hairdryer - but they bought us a better one! Rooms were a bit dated but the pool area and restaurants were great and it was such a bargin price for 3 nights (150 quid between 2 of us!) so was fine for the money.
Spent the first morning by the pool, then went to meet everyone at the mall - did a bit of shopping, went to see The Proposal - you must see that film if you havent done so - it was so funny. We laughed all the way through it. Then we went to Apres - a bar and restaurant overlooking the ski slope - William loved watching the people ski-Friday, I went for a massage at the Dubai Mall.
As you can see by the photos - there is a huge waterfall with these metal men diving down it and then this huge aquarium with sharks, rays and a diver feeding the fish! Madness in the middle of a mall. Went to my massage which was 90 mins long - really nice - although the massage rooms were just off a chemist shop, which was a bit odd!
Then I had to taxi it up to the Meadows - where I met Jade and paid some of the money towards my personal trainer course in October and had a catch up with her. Taxi back to the hotel and chilled out for a few hours. Then, went to Raffles where my friend Neil was staying with his girlfriend - had a few drinks in there and met up with Hettie and Scott - I know Hettie from Saudi as he worked here and now works in Dubai - so good to catch up too with him. Some other friends tried to get up to Neil's room but security wouldnt let them for some bizarre reason so we then left and went to Vintage wine bar. Noticed that Keane has stayed in the hotel too the night before - we saw their signature in the guest book! They had done a gig there!
Had a quick look around the Wafi Mall too - very traditional middle eastern look to it and also very expensive shops in there too!!
Went to Vintage wine bar then and met up with a load of friends from Aramco and to celebrate Lindsey's birthday too. Had a few drinks in there and then went on to my hotel and to the Dubliner's Irish bar for a few more and then to this place called the Ware House and had a few more! It did end up being a bit of a messy night, but I had a good laugh - although my head regretted it the following day!
Saturday I just lazed around and we had lunch then went to the airport...
So, I looked at the car - it was nice, although has a bit of body work that would need knocking out - not a bad dent and it needs the windscreen wiper arm replacing cos it fell off! So I have made an offer and will see what he says and Paula has accepted my offer of 14k on her Focus, if this person looking at it later, isn't interested. So, now I have to wait til tomorrow!
We also went to see Mr Jama - Director of housing last week too - myself and Lorraine went along - it did get a bit heated at times and we got slightly irate, however, he has promised more houses for the females, so all we can do is wait and see. I seem to be becoming well known as a ring leader on Aramco at the moment! As long as I am diplomatic, all we be fine!!
Anyway, mad weekend - Jasmine's tomorrow night for a party, town Thursday saree shopping for a friend's wedding, comedy night Thursday night and possibly squash on Friday!
And only 3 WEEKS TIL I AM HOME! Not that I am excited at all!
Be seeing you soon,
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bit of a fuzzy week
How is it going? Hope you are all keeping well. Last week was fine - bit slow at work, but as usual, I seem to find stuff to do!!
Im all signed up for my personal training course anyway in October in Dubai. Its a 4 day course and makes up one part of the qualification, so I will be there again next year by the looks of it, to complete it.
Had a pretty busy last few days of the week. I attended a smoking cessation lunch on Monday last week - not that I smoke of course - but I had sponsored some friends to give up and got 565SAR as a thank you - not bad going really! Tuesday I was back in the gym and then Wednesday was cat catching night. There are loads of strays on camp - most of them still with kittens, it seems - anyhow - managed to catch one female I have seen who has had 3 kittens. It took 3 attempts. The guy who is feeding her and the kittens was completely useless and not helpful at all, so I had to sort it out myself. He is happy to feed them, but thats it. I had to rig up the cage so I could stand above it, on his verander, and shut the trap shut myself with a stick, when the female went in it as she was too light to set it off herself! Managed it eventually. Then I couldnt get a taxi to take me to the vets, so had to call on Ayon to drive me there - I had a car (I am borrowing Herb's truck) and it makes it so frustrating when you want to just go somewhere and cant!!! Anyway, after going the wrong way to the vets, we finally got there, dumped the cat and I am fetching her to release tonight - next stop is the kittens who just run off when you go near them - that could be interesting!
Ayon also managed to cut this Saudi guy up on the road and he was yelling out his window at us, so I told him to calm down and stop shouting, which made him more angry! Then he pointed out that we were driving dangerously and could have injured his daughter who was sat on her mothers knee in the front seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I pointed out that he should have his daughter strapped in a seat on the back and he could kill her if he wasnt careful, he shut up! Moron!!!
Lou came by for dinner later and then Thurs we went at 7.30am to Bahrain - pay weekend, kids off school - we had
Met up with the girls and Andrew (in the photo) - he is actually my financial advisor and is also from my home town of Mansfield - he lives in Bahrain - so had to catch up with him to talk money and about Mansfield too! He went to the same school as me (few years below me) and lived around the corner from me too! Small world!
Anyway, came home at 3pm and straight out to a masalama (leaving do), then to Jzala compound - its a bloke's compound in Dammam - it was ok - caught up with a few folk but not really in the mood to be out, so left at 12.30 and eventually, an hour later, the taxi turned up!
Friday I had a very busy day - delivering garage sale stuff for PAWS and I played squash - really enjoyed that so might take up lessons - if I can fit them in! And easy, nice night in, just chilling out!
The inquest for my brother-in-law's death finally happened on Monday and a verdict of Death by Misadventure was given on Tuesday. That means that it was a mixture of Paul's fault (as he never hooked himself up to the safety cable) and his company for not training him properly also. Kelly was ok with the decision - she said it was the best result they could get. So now, she has to see if the company pay out or if they have to sue the company - she should know something further this week.
Anyway, thats about it - here is a photo of the kitten we found, with the different coloured eyes - it was so sweet. My friend Kelly was looking after her, but let her out the other night and she has disappeared - I hope we find her again - she was so sweet and friendly...
Anyway, thats all from me folks - blog will probably be late next week as I am away in Dubai for the weekend as we have Saturday off work...
See you soon,