Hi folks
Here I am again!!! Managing to get my blog done last minute tonight before I go off for my Thai foot massage. My legs are aching from running! I have been at the running club twice this week and am doing a half marathon (in relay!!) in a few weeks with 4 friends. Its only a few miles each though!
We have actually had rain yesterday and a bit today. I am hoping it clears for the weekend as we have a PAWS garage sale - outside - typical, it never rains for months and then it rains when we have an outside event! PAWS has, indeed, taken over this week. I have been busy getting the tickets ready for the race night (or Donkey Derby as I am calling it - it hasn't half confused those here who aren't from the UK!!) and I sold all the tickets in 2 days!!!! I now have 128 horses to sell! It is just on the TV screen and the races all come from the UK! Should be fun and make a bit of money for PAWS! I also had a casino night meeting last night too so am helping with that - I have the job of finding volunteers - we need about 60! I am sure I can find half that with all my friends! There will be 200 folk invited and a marquee on the side of the house with the gaming tables in and a disco on inside the house. We are going to deck it out in Hollywood glitz style as its a black and white do!!
It is in fact, just before my theory exam for my personal training - well the company I do my training through are in Bahrain 23-27 so I guess I can do my exam any time whilst they are there! No pressure tho with everything thats going on and I am doing my advanced diving exam beginning of March! I don't do things by halves do I!?
I had a pretty good weekend last week - I had to go to see Dias, at KLM, to sort out donations from them for PAWS - they are giving us 3 tickets to fly to Qatar and 2 to London this year - so great prizes.. Then I went to a happy hour, which was a really good night. Thursday to Lulu for grocery shopping, then to a mall day on camp, then to the consulate for quiz night and finally to a leaving do!
Friday was a wipe out!
This week I did running, class was a bit rubbish Sunday as only 6 folk turned up. I am trying to get an earlier slot (ie straight from work) to teach, but recreation aren't being at all helpful. Two teachers have the best 4 slots after work - why they cannot divide them up between us I dont know...
Mike, part of the financial company I use, is calling round tonight - I am trying to blag some money off him for PAWS!! And I have also been busy getting cat traps sent up from Riyadh to Dhahran via the US Consulate. Don't ask me how I get involved in all these things!!
Busy weekend - helping sort out for the PAWS garage sale tomorrow (weather pending), spa day Thursday and then to an engagement party Thurs night - day of rest Friday and I must revise for my advanced diving exam and my personal training exam - ahhhhhhrrrrgggghhhh!!
Dubai next week too so there might not be a blog for 2 weeks!
Anyway, over and out from me....
Jill xxxx