Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Double celebrations in Bahrain
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Meda'in Saleh weekend
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One of those weeks!!!!
Anyway, last week was busy - work was busy - the dental ordeal finished, although only completes tomorrow with a free polish for all the times I have been down there! Went to Rashid II on Weds with Louise to sort out my next PAWS social which will be a karaoke night in July.
Thursday I did actually relax at the spa for a few hours - did a round at the gym and had a deep tissue massage - she started using her elbows which I couldn't bear so then went on to use her hands - which was painful at times, but good pain! Thursday night US consulate - it was mad hatters night - there is a photo floating around somewhere of me with Ayon's flying hat on - but taken on his phone - they don't allow us to take cameras in there.. it was a good night and I met up with some of the new marines, made some connections for future events, etc.. and Friday was a day of rest!
I started my house sit Saturday - Tina lives in a massive house which I think is about 5 times bigger than my flat - its nice to have space, although I have found I am currently living in 2 places at once and am frequently going back to the flat..
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
A quiet weekend
It does happen occasionally that I do have quiet weekends. I was absolutely shattered last weekend so didn't do much at all, apart from go to a BBQ for a few hours. Most unlike me, hence the lack of photos. So above is a photo of one of the many buses that transport us to the malls and into town - this is the view out my window at home - the green area is the old ball field and the buildings through the trees are the theatre, restaurant and coffee shop - so you can see I am pretty close to most things! The other view down the road is my walk (or drive) to work! And the first pic is my office - thought you would like to see where I spend most of my day!!!
I dont have a whole lot to report this week really. Work has been manic - until today - with the guys travelling all over the place so I have been busy sorting them out. Today both my bosses are out and I am sat here listening to Trent FM - a nice start to the weekend I say! I didnt do much Weds and Thursday I was supposed to go on a trip to Ugair and never went as I didnt feel too great. Just went to Cheryl's on Thurs night for a BBQ - she is doing a house sit - its so nice to have a garden to sit out in! I am house sitting from Saturday also - huge house - looking forward to having some space for a change and a huge garden! Friday I spent revising for my personal training qualification. That was it really!
My car went into the garage this week - its been there 3 days now and I am not sure when I am getting it back - problem is with 18 year old cars is finding parts so I guess thats why its taking a while... I taught circuits Sat and have been spinning, the gym and a bit of a walk last night. Didnt go far really as had my root canal tooth finished off so was feeling groggy again - I am not sure what they inject you with here, but it always makes me feel bad afterwards. Anyway, looks like the dental work is done for now!
Busy weekend - BBQ tonight and going to see a guy about sorting out another PAWS social in June time, tomorrow spa then Consulate and Friday not sure yet - maybe go to Bahrain for late breakfast or something...
Only 7 weeks til I am on my cruise now - will be sending out an email to arrange to meet up soon when I am home if you can make it..