I have been busy every evening - teaching circuits Sat and Mon and I did my practical personal training exam Sunday night - managed to use the gym when it was closed and film me doing the teaching so that was good - just need to put the footage on another disc now and get it sent off for marking. I passed my Sports Conditioning exam fully now - so have 3 more courses and my theory advanced left to do...
Last weekend was pretty mellow - apart from brunch - Weds we
nt to Ayon's housewarming party, which was good fun - I bailed at 11.30pm but the revellers went on until 4am I believe! Thursday I did nothing - very unusual for me of course - and Friday we went over for brunch in Bahrain. I actually quite enjoyed it - spent most the time with my friend Andrew (who works in Bahrain and is from Mansfield) and 3 other friends of his all from Mansfield! Bit of home was good in Bahrain! Got back around 8pm so was not too bad for work on Saturday!
I went to the vets last night - two kittens have appeared in our apartment block area so I took them to be sterilized - I reckon they are around 4 months old. Also there were two kittens that the vet had been dumped with so I am hoping to get someone to at least look after them. They are only 2 weeks old!
Off to the finale of our Come Dine with Me meal tonight to Liam's house - its been on-going now for around 5 months! So, we will see who the winner is later!!! And Breige was the winner in the end - it was a great end to
the competition!!!
Spent Thursday in Bahrain - went over early to miss the rush.... saw Robin Hood - it was quite good although Crowe's accent was Scouser and Irish I am sure in parts!!! Good movie tho. Later to the meal at the Meat Co and then on to JJs which was a bit of a blur.
And then so began my illness on Friday and I have been sick since and signed off work. There has been a virus going round and I am still not 100% today but back at work... so nothing to report so far this week as I have been inside for it all!!!
Anyway, over and out from me - won't be long til I am home now...
Anyway, over and out for another week...