Hi folks - this blog has been a long time coming - its been really busy at work with my two new bosses - I have had to work for a living! In fact I am still struggling to get this blog done now - I keep getting interuptions!!!
We had a long weekend several weeks ago now - went to Bahrain (just in time before the protests started) really enjoyed it - had our hair done, went out and about and did brunch too. Met some new folk also which was nice - mainly guys from the navy who are based there... the rest of my week has been made up of training at the gym, training other folk at the gym, teaching and other such things - lending out cat carriers - sorting out cats. Tripod is nicely settled in his new home with Ayon - he belonged to a friend of mine on another compound who was unable to take him when he left and
has been living out on the streets really since although being fed - he was injured when he was a kitten and only has 3 paws and half a tail !! So sweet though and he loves living with Ayon...
I also attended a raw food demonstration with Robyn which was great - these sushi rolls are actually all vegetarian and the rice is made from turnips I think or something like that - we made loads of stuff. Also we had banana ice cream afterwards and chocolate ice crea
m all made from raw ingrediants!! Really interesting night...
We also celebrated Tracy's birthday and Chrissy's leaving do at the Blue Strawberry. Chrissy has been here a few years and has now gone over to work in Bahrain - obviously its been an interesting time for her recently! We are not sure what is going to happen over there yet. Protests are still happening and they are peaceful. In fact they were peaceful anyway but the police just opened fire on them for no real reason. The Sunni's are currently in power there but most of the people who live in Bahrain are Shia'a and they are wanting to take over. Its already cost them the F1 and a loss of millions in revenue - not sure how the businesses are going to survive and obviously less folk are visiting there. So, just waiting to see what the King decides to do really. We are going over Thursday - its fairly safe to go over as long as you know where to avoid...
We had our first session of
come dine with me - Ayon cooked Indian food which w
as really nice. My car decided to break down (again) that night so I had to borrow a scooter to get to Ayon's house! I have never riden one in my life - on the way back I did almost manage to squash myself against the garage door! So, looks like I might need a new car soon.. especially now I am moving house - FINALLY!!! I found out last week - I didn't in fact win the house - someone else did with 141 points, but declined and I was in second place so got offered it. Its only a 500 sq foot unit - I did say I would never move to one this size - but as you know I am so desperate to get out the apartment - so at least now I have a yard area, own washer and dryer, dishwasher and my own front door and a much larger lounge. The bedroom is small - will just about get my bed in and the bathroom is off the bedroom - it is still temporary though so I keep my points and can continue to bid on larger houses. The way the lists are going tho it will be a while. The offers are really bad again this year... so moving on 2nd March officially, but starting to shift stuff tonight!
I actually had a night in last weekend on Thursday. I was so tired and burnt out from being so busy. So I just watched iplayer all night - it was great! I then went up to Sara to collect Tripod (and do some washing - wont need to do that soon) and then this week has been busy doing the usual!
Anyway, its not long til my trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai (in April) and I have booked my flights back too for June to the UK....
Well over and out from me - pleas keep in touch with me as you know what I am doing, but I don't know what you are!!!!