Hi folks
Here I am, back after around 5 weeks away from my blog
- hope you are all doing ok. Life has been pretty busy since I got back - I think today is the first day I have felt quite normal and as though I am finally catching up with everything! Then I am only at work tomorrow and on an Excel course Tues/Weds and off to Yanbu, diving in the Red Sea, all weekend!! And next week the joyful Ramadan begins - where we all have to go an lock ourselves away for a coffee break (extended ones though!) and I am on a First Aid Course then too for two days! Work has been just ok - still no improvement in relations between me and the boss - in fact he didn't even bother to tell me he was going to China yesterday until I asked him if he was going somewhere! So, the search continues to escape, but again, with Ramadan approaching, things do grind to a hault pretty much all over the Middle East. I still have a couple of meetings in Dubai on the 25th August for jobs so hopefully something will crop up eventually and I am still looking at the yachts.... So, busy back here - I burst into my new total fitness class last night - completely full with 20 folk - my legs are rather sore today! And tomorrow I am teaching stability balls and bands class for 6 weeks... and I have lots of folk asking me for personal training classes too. Talking of which, I don't have to come to the UK now to finish my PT qualifiction off - I am able to do it in Bahrain which is saving me a stack of money on flights - so it looks like I might be home in Oct/Nov for 10 days now - but I will let you know for sure soon...

So, onto the trip to the UK. I arrived on the Weds and Dad fetched me from Brum airport. Spent the next couple of days shopping, catching up with K&K and G mainly, then off to Scarborough on the Friday. Caught up with a Saudi friend, Sue, who lived just outside York too, on route to Scarborough. We stayed at a lovely B&B - just about 20 mins from the town centre. K&K and G joined us later and as requested by Dad, we had fish and chips down the front! The next day the weather was not too bad - we did the sea front - there was a military day thing on and George took to wall climbing - went for a bus ride to the other bay and then came back on the train, via Peasholme Park - its been a while since I was last there! That evening I had booked for us to go to the Copper Horse - a lovely bistro style pub just outside Scarbs - the food was really lovely and we had such a nice evening.

Sunday the weather was glorious, so down to the beach and G had a ride on the donkeys. Myself and Dad stayed an extra night but G was at school next day.
The rest of the week was pretty mad - I had hoped to hire a car, but my licence expired I found out, so had to do with Dad the taxi and buses and trains. Had several trips to the dentist (how much!?) and caught up with as many friends as I could, although it was a bit of a flying visit! We held Dad's birthday party on Friday - the weather was glorious too - some of Dad's friends came over and also quite a few of my friends for a catch up, which was great, given the short time I was at home...
Then the next morning, Kat took me to the station and so began my journey to Southampton. Met Tracy at the station and then we boarded in the afternoon. Checked out the ship for a while, then went outside for sale away and dinner later. We were on freedom dining which meant we could go to dinner when we liked, but would sit with different folk. The first night we met Julie and Simon from Sheffield and Ems, Donna, Ben and Erin from Wales. And what a wonderful bunch of friends we made - we met up with them quite often all through the two weeks on board - we all had such a laugh together and will definitely stay in touch.
The second night was formal night - my friend and ex work colleague - David Shepherd - is now Executive Purser on board, so we were well looked after and did get a few extra perks in the cabin which was lovely! Met up with him at the cocktail party and also caught up with him and his fiance for dinner later on in the cruise and drinks. Was lovely to see him - its been about 4 years since I last saw him. Most evenings we would go to dinner and then to The Exchange for drinks and do the quiz and meet up with Simon, Jules, Donna and Ems and the kids. We also met a family from Scotland who happened to know one of our friends here in Saudi - they used to work together - tis a small world! We also went to Havana nightclub and Tracy and Julie won a cocktail for their dancing!!! LOL!
We had 3 sea days - the weather was good so we were out on deck alot catching the sun - first stop was Barcelona. We took the hopper bus around the city and got on and off at various points of interest - the church that isn't finished - La Sagrada Familia and the Gaudi stuff too and then a walk down Las Ramblas and a visit to the market. Next stop was Monte Carlo - we climbed up the hill to the Palace - saw the left overs of the Royal wedding which had taken place the week before - and then we had a wander up to the casino - went into the entrance but it was really expensive to look around - so didn't! I then went and had a look at the yachts and wished I could get a job on one of them!
Next stop was Rome - it was incredibly hot that day and humid - we started off at The Vatican and walked all the way down to the Colesseum - I have no idea how far it was but we did do some walking. Passed the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and the Roman Cathedral (can't remember the name of it!!?) and stopped for lunch too at a lovely restaurant and people watched briefly. Never made it into the Colesseum - we just didn't have time - I think for Rome you need 3-4 days really to see everything properly. We were absolutely wrecked by the end of the day and actually just had buffet dinner and then went to bed early for the one and only time that cruise!
Next stop - Pisa and Florence. I have been to Pisa before but it was good to see the tower again without the scaffolding around it as last time. Florence was lovely too - not been there before. Really nice place to walk around and people watch again too and the buildings are pretty amazing too.
We were due to then go to Gibraltar for half a day as our last pour of call but unfortunately the weather was too bad so we had to turn round and leave! Alot of folk were disappointed, but there wasn't alot the Captain could do really. Then 3 days at sea and back to Soton.
Had a wonderful time and have lots of memories too - it really was a great holiday. I have attached my gmail photo link at the end of this so you can check out all the photos as we took tons between us!
So, now back to reality - as you can tell I am still unsettled really - I hope something happens with Dubai or Abu Dhabi soon. But for now, I have my personal training stuff to get on with and need to start my Skipper course soon too and for sure PAWS and my fitness classes are keeping me busy...
Anyway, thats all from me. Take care and keep in touch...
Jill x