Life seems to be flying here really, which I am glad about, as its getting closer to when I can escape from here really! Now looking at the beginning of next year around March time, but that is pending change if something better comes along of course! I have practically given up with looking for work in the UAE - the agencies just really do expect you to drop everything to go for interviews there, let alone the fact that they want you to pay for going, and I just find I cannot commit to going with 2 days notice - why they cannot do a first interview over skype or the phone I don't know. So I have just told them to stop looking for now. They wanted me to go for an interview in the middle of a hen weekend this weekend too when I am with my friends and I just wasn't up for it! I just wanted to go to Dubai and not have an interview for once and enjoy it! I think the best option, if I do decide to go there, is just go for a few weeks from here on my way out of here and if nothing comes up, then go home. I have plenty of folk to stay with so that isn't a problem... to be honest, the jobs have been quiet from there anyway so far, so I think the UK is having a knock on effect really...
My NVQ is going ok - I am nearly finished the second assignment now - so not much more to do - done ok so far though! There seem to be plenty of jobs in the UK for NVQ Assessors so I should be ok if I come home. Still not 100% sure what I will do - it is very difficult to leave the money here, but I seem to be spending that much on escaping all the time, I am not saving that much! My 5 years is up in December anyway, so it seems a good time to leave or around then anyway. Fancy doing a bit of travelling too first (Oz and NZ and Canada) then will come home and see what happens... but, who knows. Anything could happen!
Things have been busy socially - there does seem to be alot more going off here really and Bahrain is still a bit up and down with demonstrations happening every weekend and lots of tear gas flying around. But, the F1 is still going ahead - which is good as the island does need some money injecting into it for sure... We have been over on and off and never see much trouble apart from police check points. Most the demos happen in the villages...
I have been at Fitness First in Bahrain doing a bit of shadowing for personal training and learning how to use my TRX suspension system - you will have to google that one - I love it altough it is challenging! I am just teaching PT now but do some cover classes starting next week.
I went to a bike ralley on camp with Ayon - felt like I was in Matlock Bath to be honest - very surreal! The other photos are of Tracy's birthday in Trader Vics - we had a very nice time - for some reason I always end up with the bill and can never seem to get it right - obviously my years on the desk on the cruises didn't help me with counting money! And also Michelle had a Bollywood party so I dressed up for that!
I am in Dubs again in May doing another sailing course for 5 days, then home for two weeks
31st May - 14th June so looking forward to that. Its been a long spell away this time ...
Home again in August for a month (with a holiday somewhere!) and I will be away somewhere with Tracy in October as we have another week off - so the end of the year is all holidays. And I will definitely be home for Christmas this year too! Or I could leave by then maybe also....
Anyway, thats all for now. See you soon,