Last week went ok again - work was incredibly busy - our guys seem to be doing a lot of travelling at the moment, which is keeping me busy. I was back and forth to the clinic still getting more rabies jabs and then had the dentist too! All I seem to have lately are appointments!
We attended boot camp Monday night, which again, was painful, but worth it in the end! Also we had managed to catch the two cats and get them to the vets to be sterilised (the one that scratched me!!) - they are back on camp now and all done, so being fed by one of the girls who live in the ballpark. Tuesday night I went into town with Gay and Tracy - we started off at Desert Designs and ended up at
their warehouse as Tracy wanted a specific piece of furniture. I have never seen so much stuff in my life - a small gold mine really! And she got what she wanted!
Finally, Weds arrived. I managed to get in a training session at the gym, then we headed up to the airport. We got upgraded to first class and arrived in Qatar around 11pm and Kay picked us up. Qatar is yet another construction sight, in the Middle East, but was so much cleaner and more organised than the other places I have visited. There are some incredible buildings going up.. Kay and Neil live in a high storey apartment block - huge apartment and they have a large pool, gym, shop, hairdressers and coffee shop all on site. It was good to see them - the last ti
me we had was on the cruise in Egypt where we met them....
Thursday we went to Villagio - a shopping mall which is on the sight where the Asian games were held in 2006. If you have ever visited Ceasar's Palace in Vegas, then thats what it looked like! Really nice place....
We also visited the museum which was a really nice building...
We had some lunch there and then went home - I managed to cram in a training session at the gym and then we met up with Andrew, who also had been on the cruise and lived in the same building as Kay and Neil! Went to an Irish Bar in the Shereton Hotel - had a really nice meal there and a few drinks -
it was almost like being at home as it was all expats in the pub! In fact, there are 200,000 Qataris in Qatar and 2 million expats - so they are quite out-numbered!
On Friday we had a lazy morning playing on the Wii and then went to see an amateur production of Grease at a local school - it was really good - must say it puts our theatre group to shame really - the singing was amazing. Afterwards, we went to an old souk area, which was knocked down and then rebuilt to look old! Met up with some of Kay's friends and had dinner in this Iranian restaurant - amazing decor too. One of the friend's was from Grantham - just up the road from Mansfield - proves it is a small world!
Saturday arrived - our last day. We were up early and went 4x4-ing into the desert to an area known as the inland sea. Myself and Darron were in the landrover with Andrew and Kay and Neil went together. It was certainly hairy going over the dunes and on the way back Neil got over excited in some water and manged to flood their engine and break down for around 20 mins and Andrew got his truck stuck also so Neil pulled him out! Enjoyable day, but now I have been dune bashing, I am not sure I will do it again!
Back to reality and back to full on teaching yesterday - at the school at lunch time and again last night. Not got a too busy weekend - staying in Saudi this week - going to town on Thurs with Tracy and then to see some of Darron's friends on Thurs night and Friday just mooching around camp - will probably do a training session and bike ride...
Anyway, thats about all from me. Hope you enjoy the new look blog!!!
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