Hi guys - what a week its been - I don't think I have ever been so busy for ages - mainly I have been sorting out the party for the PAWS Halloween do on the 29th October - its a fancy dress ball and tables are being sold in 8's so its been pretty challenging to juggle folk and get them all on the tables they want. There were 250 tickets up for grabs and we have 12 left. I think I sold around 170 of them and loads of raffle tickets. Its taken over my life this week and people have been coming and going to collect tickets and meet me!!!
I have managed to have 2 arguments today also - one with the company who provide food for us (ie when visitor's come to see us) over unpaid bills - but due to the computer system having had a glitch in it forever we cannot provide the details they want so they threatened me with not delivering food in future. Then the laundromat have lost my 800SAR Egyptian cotton sheets for the second time - they gave them someone else before and 4 weeks later they eventually turned up but now they have offered me 400SAR for the sheets which I am currently not accepting. I think its time for a break from here - its getting to me a bit! Thank goodness for Dubai next week although it will involve a lot of work!
Last week was busy - I went running Saturday and Monday - managed 4 minutes x 6 with one minute walking in between. Missed last Saturday so its 8 mins tonight x 3 - thats going to hurt. Previously I have gone to spin before - tonight I think I will give it a miss! Classes were busy too last week .
I attended the wellness symposium on Weds too last week - taught a pilates masterclass too. It was a good day. However, I was apparently up to win a wellness champion award it seems. They read out this guy's name for his award and this loony bin woman who works with me just got up and took the award even though it was for someone else and didn't call her name out - everyone just sort of looked at each other gone out, but let her have it as it was rather embaressing... anyway, Sam, who is our wellness guru, said to me at the end that they had an award to present for me for all the fitness stuff I do, but because this nutter Fay collected an extra award, they were one short and knew I would understand what had happened!!!!!????
I ended up going to see some of the new girls on Weds night for a few drinks then in Bahrain on Thursday. Hassle with the taxi not turning up but one arrived eventually and we got over the causeway in an hour! Went to drop the bags off at the hotel, then went to get my hair done and then had a wander around the mall..

We went out later to the Meat Company for food - it was awesome - Ive never had a bad steak there. I also popped to Jim's restaurant, where I am having my birthday party, and met him and sorted a few things out, so all that is set up now...
After we had been to the Meat Co we went to JJ's Irish bar - it was pretty manic in there - met up with a few folk I knew too - stayed til around 1.30 then stumbled home!! Some of the others stayed out til 6am! I am too old for that time of the morning!!!
Came home relatively early the next day and then I just chilled all day.
This week has been manic. I have been busy all week selling PAWS tickets for the Halloween event on the 29th Oct at the US consulate - which I will be missing as I'm in Dubai... Anyway, I think personally I have sold around 180 of the 250 tickets and I've sold loads of raffle tickets too! So, job well done - we can get more cats sterilized!
I didnt do much on Saturday really - had a night off as I knew I would be out every other night this week! Sunday I was off for all the day as they were sorting out my a/c unit which has caused mold to grow on my clothes - it was filthy - and a huge job - my apartment certainly smells cleaner now tho and fresher! I taught Sunday, ran Monday - managed 3 sets of 8 min runs, so getting better and gearing up for the 30 min run before I am back in the UK! Tonight teaching circuits, selling more tickets, tomorrow teaching too and taking car to garage, then a massage! And weekend Bahrain!!!!
I won't have time to do a blog next week as I will be busy in Dubai. I am hoping to meet my friend Jo, who works on the yacht, the Tatoosh which is in Abu Dhabi for the F1 and I am also meeting some other friends I know over there...
Anyway, thats about all from me! Mrs Busy.
See some of you in 4 weeks and counting!