Hello folks - hope you are all doing ok. I am pretty on top of my blog this week - most of my team have gone to London so its quiet at work...
Last week was pretty manic - first week back and all that - I was playing catch up for most of it! I think I took you up to about Tuesday in last week's blog. That was the night I had to go cat catching. I had been promising Rose for months I would help her out. She has 3 females basically, living around her, all with litters. She has had one sterilized, I'd caught another one, so there is still one left. I tried to catch her but she just kept running off. However, after some time we managed to catch 3 kittens - one just walked into the trap and the other 2 got caught together - they went a bit mental in the trap and bashed their eyes up a bit but the vet reckoned they would be ok. Lorraine had caught Bill - our resident ballpark cat - who ended up biting me when I was trying to move him into a different carrier - that resulted in another visit to the hospital for yet more antibiotics. At least I have a stash of them now as I am sure it will happen again!
So, managed to get all 4 cats into a taxi and down to the vets - it was a funny journey - all these cats miowing and me and Rose stuck in the middle of them!
I eventually got back at 7pm - I dont think folk appreciate how long these things take to do!
Wednesday was full on - spin class, then a meal at the Blue Strawberry for Chrissy's birthday and then to a happy hour. I said I would only stay for a short while and rolled in around
1am! Saw a few folk Id not seen for a while tho!
Thursday I was late up and rushing around to get to a PAWS meeting regarding Halloween - it should be a good bash and we should raise quite a bit of cash hopefully - I will miss it tho as I am in Dubai then... then I went to spin to try and sweat out some of the alcohol from last night and then off out again later to a leaving do!
Friday I did nothing - I was leant series one of Mistresses - I am addicted to it and am now on series 2. Just watched TV all day - you know that it is very unusual for me to sit down and not do much all day - maybe its a sign of me getting towards 40!!!
This week has been equally as busy. I started running on Sat night with the running group - found it pretty easy really - back there tonight and going to spin first, then run! also had a PAWS meeting on Sat night. It looks like they might be doing a cull soon on camp of the cats as they really out of control now - the guy who did the meeting is going to arrange another meeting tho with pest control and the kennel club so we can all try and work together. He has suggested there might be the possibility of having a holding facility on camp for us to have a vet carry out sterilizations and also for somewher for us to keep animals - this would be great if it happened too...
Anyway, thats about all - brings me up to date. Been busy organising my trip home in 7 weeks - my birthday party here and also the one at home and trying to find out who can make it! Booked a cruise for me, my sisters and George next May too going to the Med! On the Ocean Village - can't wait for that!!!
WRITE SOON anyway,
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