We ended up staying in Bahrain at Darron's and came back to Saudi on the Friday for a spot of hashing!! That is running or walking in the desert. We did about 5k I think which was quite good, followed by pie and mash at Mary's house afterwards!! Good night - however, first time hashers (ie me) have to perform duties of being forced to drink beer!!!
I started running again last week - I got some good trainers from Athletes Foot which have a high instep so have found my legs and ankles are much better - so building up my running again now! Classes (pilates body conditioning) are picking up now as folk get back into the swing of things and I have a meeting with recreation tomorrow to show them the state of the equipment cupboard where I teach - the stuff hasn't been updated for years and the mats are all smelly and the weights falling apart - so hopefully they will spend a bit of money on some new stuff for us....
I am trying to do revision, when I can, for my personal training exam. I have, in fact, just had an email today to say that the company I use are coming to Bahrain in March and April, so hopefully they will allow me to do the exam then - save me paying to go to Dubai.... so need to get my backside into gear now I have dates to aim for...
I had a very busy weekend last week. I went to a sushi making class Weds night which was great and I now need to buy all the ge
ar to make the sushi - we made loads though! Really enjoyed it! Then Thursday morning I was up early for the doggie dawdle
, raising money for PAWS - lovely day too and loads of owners and their dogs joined in - around 60 folk! Joy bought down a dog too which needed re-homing and managed to find a home for it which was great! Then I had a PAWS meeting and we sorted all the socials out, then I went bowling, meal and then to a headbangers ball! Relived my rock chic youth!!
Friday in Bahrain to the mall and for chill out time.
So, that brings me to this week now. Its already nearly Tuesday! Just been running/teaching/sorting cats out - in fact when I go to Dubai in 2 weeks I have to visit a lady to pick up some donations for PAWS! I cannot believe where they keep coming from! Also hoping to meet up with my personal training mates and go up the highest tower in the world - the Burj Khalifa!!
I am off to boot camp shortly - don't get much these days, but have to go sort out a PAWS related matter afterwards on the compound there! It never stops!
Anyway, over and out from me.
Flights booked for home too - back 3rd - 10th June....
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