Hi folks - phew - its been a while since I last wrote my blog... I think around 4 weeks - how time flies.
I had a great time at home though and the cruise was amazing. I arrived home a few days early as my Aunt Vi had died suddenly so I took off a few days early to be with family. I spent the first few days with my Dad and sisters and also managed to get some shopping in. Surprised George at his school fete which was nice, the day I arrived home. Flew to Birmingham too this time which was loads easier than London so will do that next year once I get all my BA flights out the way this year...
We flew to Crete on the 27th May (so back to Birmingham airport again!) and arrived mid-afternoon at the ship - The Ocean Village - got ourselves acquainted with it and had a look round - I had, in fact, been on the ship previously when it was the Arcadia and part of the P&O fleet...
The first night we spent in Connexions and Kelly and George took part in Blankety Blank - which was so funny - she won a share-me cocktail too which was massive!
The first day we were at sea - George spent his time in the pool and we just chilled out mainly. The first port was Korchula in Greece - it was supposed to be Dubrovnik but they had overbooked the port that day so we did a swap! I think Korchula was my favorite place out the whole cruise - unspoilt and not too many tourists... I just sat and drank coffee and chatted to some other passengers in the afternoon next to the sea!
I realised I vaguely knew the Captain from my P&O days and I also banged into another old work mate - Jane - who now works in the shops - so it was great to catch up with her...
Second port was Venice - I had been here twice before but it was great having time to look round properly instead of having to race around and be back in time for my shift on board! We did a gondola ride and then I just had a mooch around St Mark's Square with my sisters and G and then went back later. Dubrovnik was next - the weather wasn't great, so we just did a walk around the walls and then had some lunch. There were too many tourists for my liking there tho!

The evenings were spent either in the buffet restaurants for tea and we did also go in La Luna and the James Martin restaurant where you paid a little extra - the James Martin restaurant was definitely the best. The food was delicious... We also did the quiz and saw a comedian one night - Anthony Scott - very funny man and watched some of the other entertainment...
We also visited Corfu where I did a 14 mile bike ride - I really enjoyed this as I got to meet some new people and also saw alot more of the island, although I was saddle sore the next day! Zante was next which really was unremarkable - we just went into the main town which was a bit disappointing - maybe I should have done a trip this day! And lastly Heraklion where we were to leave the ship.
So, a wonderful cruise. I did speak to the fitness instructor about teaching on ships - it would be relatively easy for me to get a job on a ship, especially with my qualifications, but the money is seriously bad and you basically work for commission - so that was that idea out the window really!
Back at home I caught up with several friends, ran the Race for Life and raised 1,300 pounds for Cancer Research and did 5k in just over 32 minutes which for me, was pretty good going! Spent time with Dad, who is fine, visited a few more friends and also had Aunt Vi's funeral before I headed back on the 11th June.

Life back here was manic the first week - I had to get ready for the PAWS band night so thats basically what I did all week! The night went really well and we managed to raise another good amount of money for PAWS - I never stopped all night though so am having a break from organising socials now for a few months until the weather gets cooler. Its been around 118 degrees during the day here - not nice - so I am not really venturing out much in the day!
Work is just ok - its quiet really and Ramadan is coming up too in about 6 weeks - at least I know that after then I will be home again!! And then I am in Dubai in October, India November and home again at Christmas...
Been putting together all my personal training stuff too so that is coming along now..
Anyway, thats about all from me.
Hope you are well and keep in touch.
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