Another couple of weeks have flown by - more than half way through Ramadan now and I am surviving! The humidity outside tho is really getting to everyone - it has been humid now every day for weeks - normally we get the odd day or so of it but not continuous like this - apparently its the worst its been in years.... I am looking forward to some cooler weather - although most of you will probably find that weird!!!
Since I last wrote, I have been pretty busy - PAWS has kept me busy again although last week I managed to re-home 7 kittens and
a tortoise - yes, a tortoise turned up on my doorstep but the next day I did manage to reunite him with his owner, who, in fact, said I can do a PAWS event at the hobby farm when it gets cooler - so it was worth "Mr T" being lost - the hobby farm is basically the stables on Aramco and is pretty out the way so I could do a barn dance or something down there I think and no-one would bother us!!!!
We had a girlie night the other Weds which was nice to catch up with friends and some of the new girls also joined us. There are quite a few new hires coming out over the next few months so some new faces around... On the Thursday I went to Bahrain with James and then on to Sheryl and Ian's place on Amwaj Island. Lovely apartment with great views. Ian cooked curry and it was just nice to stay in for a drink - we managed to get some wine from the hotel too as Bahrain generally is dry during Ramadan so that was a bargin... Friday we just chilled out at the hotel and then came home later...
I have been doing the usual this week - teaching, PAWS stuff, gearing up for coming home next week... my boss has been out most of the week so its just me here and I seem to have spent half my week in the coffee room!! Going for a meal tonight at the Heritage Village - traditional Saudi food etc - will post some photos - and have to go into town tomorrow - pain really as the shops don't open until 8.30pm but I need some new sunglasses as I just managed to break my others again - last time I ordered a new part for them it took 6 months to fix them - so think I will have to bring them home to the UK to be fixed this time...
Oh and last weekend I went to Dubai with James
- a last minute decision really - but cheap time
to go. We stayed at the Shereton in Jumirah - visited the Atlantis and the aquarium t
here and chilled at the pool - it wasn't so humid over there and went out for a lovely meal and visited the malls. It was nice to get away for a couple of days...
Got another girlie night this Weds too - I am cooking lasagne - and Thursday I am going for my first sailing lesson and then to a leaving do and then the countdown really begins. Fly out Weds morning of the 8th - arrive in the UK around 7am...
Anyway, over and out from me - hope to see you all soon...
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