Nicola's housewarming was good - up at Ras Tanura - our camp about an hour from here - she has been here about the same time as me but as there are less secretaries working up there, they have a better chance of a larger house. So she has a lovely 2 bed place and massive yard. And the following weekend we went over to Bahrain - things are picking up slowly there - there are still tanks around and I am not sure when then will be removing them. We went to Monsoon for Lou's b/d - lovely place - where I had my leaving do the 2nd time I was here - we sat outside in the Japanese garden - lovely, and then went to JJ's afterwards. Three bands from Saudi were playing so I knew most of the folk in there! It was good to catch up with some folk I hadn't seen in a while. And then last weekend was the PAWS 20th anniversary ball. I was up at the US Consulate decorating for several hours with my helpers then the ball started at 7.30pm. All went well - the food was amazing and the Chef, Phillip, turned up on Friday with a massive cheese cake for me and some nibbles! The band went down well and we raffled off some great prizes and made some good money for the charity. But massive job so I think I need a rest from events for a few months now! We are going to donate the money to Dr Zamora at the vets in town so he can buy some new machinery.
So, the PAWS thing has been keeping me busy. Work hasn't been busy - I am not very happy to be honest, so looking for something else at the moment - I really want to get more into sailing and the best place really is the UAE. I love the money in Saudi, but am growing a bit frustrated with being unable to jump in a car and go places and the restrictions now. Its ok for so many years for sure and to be able to save, but life is too short and I want to pursue my interest in sailing now...
Been to the gym, been out walking - although its getting warm out there - 102 degrees today! Oh the joys of the summer!
I am off to Oman tomorrow on a diving trip with Lou and Tracy (and a bit of R&R!) and then next weekend I am going to Dubai to meet up with some friends...
And then its only 5 weeks or so til I am back in the UK and going on my cruise! Can't wait for that!!!
Anyway, over and out from me. Hope you are all ok...
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