Hi guys
Hope you are all ok. Thanks to all of you who keep in touch - its good to hear from you and keeps me sane out here!!!
Last week was pretty good really. I didnt go to boot camp on Monday - instead went for a look around Ikea with my friend Gay - picked up a few bits there... Saturday I was on a course which was supposed to last the whole day, but finished at 11am!!! So, I had the rest of the day off! I spent it sorting out washing and the like though, so it wasnt wasted! Did some training at the gym with 2 friends, then 8 of my friends came over for tea. Cooked spag bol - not easy in a kitchen that is not big enough to swing a cat round - but I did it! We had a nice night really and a good laugh...
Wednesday we went out for Sam's birthday to a restaurant in Khobar called the Soul Kitchen - it was just ok - the food wasnt great - Sam was surprised though as she thought only 4 or 5 of them were going for dinner and 20 of us were sat there when she arrived! The cake was huge too - enough for about 50 folk!!! I went home afterwards - was tempted to go out for drinks at the bars, but needed to get up early for Bahrain the next morning, so gave it a miss...
Went to Bahrain Thursday. The causeway was backed up even as we hit the first gate - not a good sign - but we did get through ok in the end - around an hour - so not bad going. It really wears you down sitting on that causeway in traffic! Went to the Ritz to get my hair done and then met up with Darron. Had a mooch around the mall and then went to TVs for lunch and then home to meet the boys.
Later, we couldnt decide which bar to go to - JJs is now closed - our usual haunt - the Bahraini Government, in all their wisdom, took away the alcohol licences of any 1 and 2 star hotels several weeks ago, and JJs has been closed since. It is hopefully opening up again. Anyway, because of this - all the folks and "workers" who used to go to the cheap hotel bars for "entertainment" are now spilling out into the mainstream bars. Warblers, being one of them where we had decided to go. It was full of mainly balding old men and Thai girls - so we drank up quickly and left!
Friday we were up cooking breakfast and then went to the beach later on in the afternoon. Darron had an appointment with a tattoo bloke - as he wants more tattoos - this guy lived in a tiny room which he shared with 2 other guys - I guess thats how the other half live - the Philipino and Indian workers who live over here. Certainly opened my eyes...
We then attempted to come back to Saudi but the causeway was backed up loads and we sat at the lights for 25 mins almost waiting to get through them so decided to come back to Bahrain and go over in the morning. Damn causeway...
This week I havent done much as I havent felt well. I have had a stomach virus of sorts that has basically knocked me off my feet. I was off Saturday and the afternoon of Sunday and am going to brave the queue at the Dr in an hour or so to see whats up - feels like a gastro type virus if you ask me - all I want to do is sleep! Not good....
Off to Dubai this weekend for my gym instructor's course - really looking forward to that too - cannot wait.. I will be there Thursday - Sunday...
Anyway, thats about all from me.
Dont forget to keep in touch...
Miss you all very much...
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