Things ok in Saudi still. I was off work on and off last week, so don't really have much to report. Was off work Saturday with a bad stomach and feeling exhausted. Went to work Sunday morning, then back to bed again Sunday afternoon. Got up to teach pilates, only to find the a/c had broken down again in the room, so had to cancel the class! Made it to work Monday - stayed late - this is a rare occurance on Aramco!!! Still battling with the new e-travel system that is getting easier, slowly but surely... Went to the Dr Tuesday and was signed off for one day after being told all I could do is rest! And had to come in on Wednesday - still felt rubbish.
We had friends over Wednesday night - perhaps not the best decision, but they were made redundant over 3 months ago and could be sent home at any moment, so thought it best to see them, just in case! They are having some legal wranglings with their company at the moment, which is why they are still here... madness... hopefully it will be sorted out soon.... went to my friend Tina's house for drinks later (well for about 1 hour - its all I felt like!) - but she has just moved to a new house on Lime - its HUGE - and I was well jelous - puts my apartment to shame! Lovely house though - huge garden - I can dream I will be in one of them one day! In fact, I have just written to the new Exec guy of community services asking him why there is so much empty housing on camp which is not being refurbished and why "temporary housing" in Aramco terms means 2-8 years! I also ranted off about them getting rid of most of the janitors who are supposed to clean our apartment blocks, therefore leaving them not clean and dirty and the fact that we have to wait til October to get new janitors. I have to rant off to housing now and again you know - it keeps them on their toes...
So, off to Dubai on Thursday for my Gym Instructor 2 course. Flew from Dammam which was easier than going over the causeway on a Thursday afternoon! Flew business class - very posh dont you know - and then went to the hotel - Radisson Blu - in the Marina area of Dubai. Dubai is still mad - there are so many different areas now in Dubai - its like some space age city - with Media City, Dubai Marina, Knowledge City, The Meadows, Sports City, Medical City and they are even throwing in a Legoland now! Dubai still is construction city as you can see from the photos - everywhere you look they are building! It goes on for miles!
Hotel was ok - they upgraded me to a suite which was nice. On Friday I caught a taxi to The Meadows to Hayaa Health Club and met up with my team for the 2 days. Jade taught us, along with Claire - both fun and friendly girls. There were about 12 on my course - mainly Brits really. Spent time with a girl called Nore
en who is a teacher in Dubai and also Julia - who lives in Bahrain and had flown over for the course too. In the evenings, I went to the mall - found a Waitrose (I wish I had taken a bigger suitcase!) and spent an hour or so revising for the theory exam before chilling out with a glass or 2 of wine... I had early nights as I was so brain dead from having to think alot!!!
On the Sunday, myself and Julia did the theory and practical. The others were doing the exam at a later stage, but as we dont live in Dubai, we had to do it then. Passed fine - in fact Jade says I was like a breath of fresh air as none of the other folk on the course had taught before - so I guess I had an
Bur Dubai - world's tallest building (the thin shiny one on the left!!) The building on the right is the same size as those blocks to the left of the Bur Dubai to give you some context!!
Managed to get into the lounge in the airport so took advantage of the free food and booze before returning to the land of homemade stuff! Ayon and Herb picked me up from the airport as Darron is at site all week - somewhere near to the boarder of Iraq! Police escorts all round too - nice!
So, back to work on Monday. Its ok - busy-ish really. Managed my first boot camp last night but my stomach is still crook so I am now drinking laban milk to try and clear the bacteria. Hopefully I will be back to normal next week!
I am teaching tonight - first official gym class - and I have to go and pick up some new saucepans I found on the classifieds. The water here makes most things go rusty and mine are rusty! There is also a car I am going to look at tomorrow night too!!
Going to Bahrain with Darron at the weekend - got a few things to do over there and hope to catch Angels and Demons film too.
Anyway, thats about all from me for now....
Jill xxxxxxx
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