Here I am back in Saudi. Had a wonderful time at home, although it was short - only 8 days.
Started off with the causeway headache - took 3 hours from my door to the door of the restaurant - The Meat Company. Ayon's porche was within inches of some cars in the bottle neck on the bridge and I was worried it would get scratched, but it didnt. Was exhausted just from that journey though by the time we got to the Meat Co. Had some food and drink with Ayon, then went over to the airport. Flight and everything fine - in fact I was sat next to a really
nice couple from the UK who had been working at an orphanage in Qatar so spent quite a bit of time chatting to them - managed to get a kip in too! Picked the car up and then drove up to Mansfield - first place I went - Asda of course - how I wish we had an Asda in Saudi!! I just miss the choice you get and the freshness of everything... bought a few bits and then went home to see Dad... Met up with my sisters in the pub for a few drinks and then went to the chippy for fish and chips - as you do!! Friday I went shopping - couldnt find much really - very annoying - but managed to spend most of the day in town! Then later we went to this new bistro restaurant in Mansfield and ate
there - it was nice but expensive!!
Saturday I went over to Nottingham to have my hair and nails done and then met up with Sue and Eileen for lunch and caught up with them which was nice - weather was glorious too as you can see and we sat outside in Saltwater. Popped in to see my sisters who were staying at the caravan near to Sue and then went back to Sue's later and had some tea and a few drinks and then I stayed there.
Up for Dimple and Navdeep's wedding on Sunday - again the weather was glorious - we sat outside for most of the morning in the garden!! Unfortunately Kat was sick, so Kelly came to the wedding with me for a bit - here I am in my Indian ghagra - it looks nice but wasn't very comfy to wear! Headed over to The Belfry in Nottingham - knew no-one at all but sat next to a couple who were Dimple's neighbours and were teachers in Notts. Kelly joined me later and we then waited 2 hours for the bride and groom to arrive. They did with a band leading them along and then they were dancing to this Indian band, surrounded by some of the 570 folk who were at the wedding. I managed to see Dimple briefly for a chat then she was whisked off again!
Left around 5.30pm as I knew George was at home - he had been in Jersey visiting his other Aunty - so I went over to see him. He has grown loads and school seems to be doing him good too!!
Monday was pretty manic - up early to go to Nottingham again. Went to visit my house and see the tennants - it was spotless really and the garden looks great - I was very pleased. Jakub did say he wants to stay another 2 years and then asked me if I would sell the house to him - which I dont want to do really! They will sign up for another 2 years though so I will see how things are after then - anything can happen in the next few years - who knows!? After I had been to see my house, I went to see my friend Emma and her little boy Adam for a catch up, then into town to meet Caroline, Debbie and Tracy - friends for work and pilates, for lunch and catch up, then I met my friend David for catch up and more coffee!! So, very busy. Went over to my friend's Caroline and Graham on the way home for tea and to see their new house...
Tuesday I went to aerobics - I really miss classes like that out here - we dont really have aerobics here - then I actually
sat down for an hour and then went over to see my friend Jayne, who I used to go to Rock City with - I hadnt seen her for about 15 years!!!! It was great to catch up with her!!
Wednesday morning I took George out to Conkers for the day - its an adventure playground place - he enjoyed it - we went on the park, train and also did some fishing!! Had a great day together. In the evening I met up with some more old mates who I used to go to Rock City with - Pete, Mick and Cath - again lovely to see them and to reminise about the "good old days!!!".
Thursday Dad and I took George to Matlock to Gullivers Kingdom - it has loads of rides there - George loved it again - although there was an issue with wasps - they were everywhere and I managed to get stung on my backside - when I went to the loo - of all the places - its still flippin well itching now - no wonder I keep getting strange looks!!!
I didnt really see much of Kat whilst I was home - unfortunately she came down with swine flu, so we were keeping our distance. She is better now though and was back at work yesterday...
Anyway, Dad, Kel and George are all fine and it was great to see them and the rest of my friends....
The journey back was not nice - 3 hour drive to Heathrow, 3 hour wait at the airport, over one hour sitting on the tarmac waiting for take-off - the cabin must have been about 100 degrees too - then the flight, then stuck on that damn causeway for 3 hours on the way home. I am still tired today - next time I will drive to LHR the night before I fly and make sure I dont arrive home on a Friday night - the end of our weekend - when I should know better that the causeway will be rammed...
So, this week has been pretty manic - Saturday was a none eventful day really - I just bumbled around in somewhat of a daze!! Sunday I managed to teach pilates and yesterday I did and I went to spin too last night - we have a new spin hut - Spin City - its great!! Tonight Im teaching at the gym! Got some cat stuff to sort out too... Also, Jason has asked me to cover his abs classes for the next few Weds too - it never stops!!
I walked out my apartment this morning and the humidity has finally kicked in - its horrid - I needed a shower by the time I had got to work - I hope it doesnt last too long....
Here is the link to my other photos from my trip too: -
Busy the next few weekends too - my friend from Riyadh is visiting next weekend, then its the PAWS quiz night, then I am off diving 9th September, Cyprus 18th Sept, Dubai 22nd Oct and home again 18th Nov!!!
And the lovely month of Ramadan is upon us - it starts either Friday or Saturday - so I have to go and set up the sin room tomorrow so those of us who don't fast can eat and drink!!! There is one consolation - at least the causeway will be empty, but thats only cos there is no booze for sale over in Bahrain for a month now!!!
Anyway, over and out from me,
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