Hey guys - well here I am on the countdown to coming home. Two more sleeps left - I am very excited to be seeing my family and friends again, although it was only April I was last home, so not that long ago..
The photos above are of myself and Jose - he is a dive club member - and myself, Adel and Sheryl. Sheryl was my dive master and Adel my dive guru - without him, I would not have passed my PADI diving qualification.. unfortunately, he is leaving - going to Reading of all places on a 2 year assignment! So, I am sad to see him leave...
I had an ok week last week. Exercise has taken a back burner as there has been that much going on in the evenings and I must say I havent been my motivated self. I went to a DDA meeting on Monday - there was a presentation about diving in Bulgaria and Yanbu - it spurred me on to sign up for the next dive trip in September to Yanbu - so I am off again then for a long weekend!
Tuesday night was a bit of a disaster as I went to pick up my ghagra for my friend's wedding (Indian outfit) and they had done the skirt all wrong, so now having to go back into town again tonight. I hope it is ok now, although I have ran out of time if it isnt...
Two happy hours on Weds night - me flitting between one and the other!! Didnt stay out too late due to early Bahrain start on Thursday.
It was a good week for cats - up to now I have re-homed about 6 - which is pretty amazing really and I think I have found a lost one someone was looking for... so busy organising the PAWS quiz night now 2nd Sept - myself and Val are quiz master hosts and she has talked me into dressing up in the this leopard skin dress so we look the part!!!!
Thursday in Bahrain was good -
the causeway was a nightmare, 1. cos it was pay weekend and is always busier on a pay weekend. 2. Ramadan is approaching so all the good Muslims are getting their fill of booze and ladies of the night... It took just under 2 hours to get there and we set off at 7.30am! I hate that causeway...
Had coffee and toast at the Ritz and pretended I was posh, then went for my hair do - as you can see I had quite a drastic change of style (its cut short at the back) and colour - as my friend Kylie put it a "break up hair-do"!!! Everyone likes it and I have got used to it now. All I need now is a new body...
Had me nails done and then met the girls for a quick glass of wine in the Gulf Hotel and then to the apartment. Nice place and cheap too so that was good. Onto the Novotel for drinks and food - really nice and
then to JJs which has recently re-opened after the powers that be closed all the one and two star bars over in Bahrain - it was rammed - my "I am going home after one" ended at 3am in the morning!!!???
Didnt do much Friday - bit of a wipe out day and all plans to go and see Harry Potter at the flics went to pot. Oh well - will get it on black market DVD now I guess
This week has been busy - only managed 2 pilates classes and a walk around the golf course
- its all I have had time for. Now tonight I have
to go into town again which I could do without, then tea at Gay's and tomorrow I am getting my spray tan done and I guess I should pack!!!
Right, thats about it I think.
Looking forward to seeing some of you next week. Those who I don't my phone number is 07903 497122 - please call me as I will be running around like a mad woman so might forget to call you.
Back 6th August and fly back to Saudi 14th August.
Write soon,
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