I have had a bit of an emotional rollercoaster of a week really after my ex (Darron) decided to announce on Facebook and to the world that he was already in a new relationship - anyway - time to move on me thinks and what a thoughtless and horrid thing to do. Good riddance to bad rubbish it seems.... however, that is the reason that the blog is so late this week and it will be time to do another one tomorrow already!!!!
Anyway, last weekend was pretty mad. I taught an abs class on Weds, then dashed home to retrieve my computer from a guy who had fixed it and got rid of a nasty virus, then I got changed and dashed to another friend's house for a drink and then up to the airport to meet my friend, Liss, from Riyadh! We went straight out to a party on Azziz - I thought I might as well drop her in at the party deep end here - it was a good night in fact - saw loads of folk I had not seen for a while so great to catch up...
Was semi sensible and came home at 1am. I took Liss to the beauty shop the next day for a bit of pampering then Gay came over for a chat and then we went off to the Blue Strawberry for food.
It was ok really - food mediocre, but in Ramadan times being able to eat a
nd drink home brew is as good as it gets. We did have an outlet in Bahrain still serving booze - the Country Club - illegally during Ramadan - but that got busted this week, so now Bahrain is completely dry for another 2 weeks!
Went to a party after the meal on Nada - well, it was in fact a memorial service for someone who had died recently! Didnt realise that - but it was quite good really and he certainly had a good send off... then we went to this weird party on Aramco where everyone was sat round playing bongo drums - honestly - I am not making that up!
Friday we did brunch and then sat and didnt do much else to be honest - watched a few DVDs and chilled out mainly and then Liss went to catch her flight. Life down here in Dhahran is a bit better than Riyadh I gather and I think I will be seeing more of Liss over the next few months which will be good!
Anyway, thats all from 2 weeks ago - Ill update you tomorrow on the past week!!!
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