Hello folks
Well two blogs in one week - I had a pretty busy week last week as usual. Saturday I ended up teaching circuits - Jason, the regular fitness teacher has been sent on another assignment, so I covered his class Saturday and Wednesday. And, I also taught pilates on Sunday and then the same again this week - so tiring, but also a change to do something other than pilates and the classes have been popular...
Last weekend was really good - we held the PAWS quiz night - around 120 folk turned up - so many more than we anticipated and we had to send out for more chairs! Myself and Val were Ditsy and Bitsy - the quiz mistresses! It was a really good night and a right laugh too. We managed to raise 1500 quid towards getting cats and dogs sterilized which was a really good amount....
Thursday I was pretty busy - its so great having wheels now as I can go and visit friends on camp when I want! My car is all squared away and is mine no
w!! I must take a photo of it to show you! I went to see my friend Sharon for a coffee and catch up then got ready to go out early for tea for Neil's birthday at the Blue Strawberry. Had a nice time down there and then went to Ra'ood's birthday party on camp. Took a couple of the new girls too and introduced them to my friends... We have had quite a few new arrivals lately and its good to get them out and about and show them the ropes!
Friday I did nothing - just chillaxed at home and suffered from drinking too much wine the night before....
This week has been a funny old week and I have been all over the place. I did end up seeing Darron on Sunday who was on camp saying his farewells. So, we did chat and he has actually gone to Milan to work, followed by Mumbai for a couple of months. I think we managed to iron out a few issues we had too so at least things have been left amicable now - I dont like falling out with folk....
So, done nothing else this week except teach every night! I ventured to the supermarket last night - Ramadan hours mean the shops dont open til 8.30pm - I had to go and get my hamster some new food as the stuff he is on is making him go bald! I hope his hair grows back now....
I am looking forward to tomorrow - flying to Yanbu (care of Aramco) to go diving in the Red Sea. Really looking forward to being stuck on a boat for a few days with no contact with the outside world. Should be fun....
So, I am away on Saturday too, arrive back Sunday then only have 4 days and am off to Cyprus with Tracy and Breige....
No news on me ever getting a house on Aramco. More changes in policies mean that the female bid list has got even bigger and in desperation I went to see my GM to see if he could pull any strings. The thought of staying in a one-bed apartment for another 2 years at least is not appealling at all..... but thats how it looks like it now is here... I am not sure what to do. I love it here and am happy, but am condemned to living as a student, sharing laundry facilities and not able to invite friends over as there is no room for them.... its not good really...
Anyway, here are the rest of the photos from last week:
See you in 10 weeks and counting...
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