I struggled with a cold last week, which fortunately has now cleared and also my leg was still playing up. That seems to be better now after seeing another person on camp who diagnosed not tendinitis but a problem with my iliotibial band - it has been fine since she worked on it, even though it killed like mad at the time she was treating it... so back to short runs now but only in the gym and not even chancing the concrete...
I took delivery of some free pet food from a supplier we are helping advertise his business so I met up with him and he keeps giving me freebies now which is great for PAWS! Kitten season is upon us so there have been quite a few kittens coming and going. Overall, I don't have masses of cats to re-home, which in a sense, means that PAWS is working! Thats good to know... I am busy organising another band night for June with my colleague Myriam too and have a karaoke and bingo
night lined up too!!!

The weekend was busy (as ever) - went to a local place on Weds to celebrate Lou H's birthday. Thursday I spent at the garage sale, meeting various new volunteers, chatting to them, helping at the sale again, having social meetings, meeting the guy for more pet food donations... never stopped and it was so hot too. Then the BUP crawl started just after 3pm - that was great fun going from house to house for "refreshments" - really enjoyed it.... (photo shows the route!!)
Friday I didn't really do that much - I think I was so exhausted from being out in the heat all day on Thursday really - so I took it easy, went to look at some houses on the bid list (yet again NOT successful - when will I escape my box?!?) and caught up with some friends.
This week I have been on a roll with my sports conditioning work. I am all but finished (with a bit of advice and help from friends - many thanks - you know who you are) so any day now should be able to complete that - lets hope I pass.. theory exam (hopefully) confirmed for the end of June and am doing my nutritian course in October in Dubai and trying to sort out another course to do in the UK! I will almost be the
re by then! Its just taking time...
We had the third round of CDWM - at Lou H's this time - nice meal and we still must stink of garlic even now!! Teaching at the gym tonight, then have some PAWS stuff to sort out with Joy and there may be the possibility I have to go and move some kittens and a mother cat to an empty house somewhere - glad that Lewis bought me some ultra strong cat catching gloves!
This weekend is Toddy's birthday so we are off to Bahrain for the weekend and tomorrow night I am out dress shopping in Khobar ready for the Oz Ball in 2 weeks...
Anyway, over and out from me.... keep me updated on your news - I don't seem to hear from many of you much now I have been gone so long!!! I still appreciate you keeping in touch
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