Hi folks - I am somewhat late in writing my blog this week - have been busy either rescuing cats or sorting out new flights so I can get home in time for my cruise.
Over a week ago I received a call from a guy who wanted me to come and move some kittens and their mother from his garden as his dog was freeking out. Asked around and the next day contacted him to say we could move them to an empty garden and once the kittens were old enough I would try and re-home them. Anyway, he had already called pest control by this point who had took the kittens but couldnt get the mother. So I said try and catch the mother, get her to the vets, sterilized and then she can be released - PAWS policy - trap, spay, release... so he took her to the vet then to tell me he was leaving her there as he had done his bit. So, I said I would fetch her back and release her - for some reason this email found its way to Recreation who have now stopped us from having charity events on camp as I am releasing cats that do not have an owner!!?? Its a stray - what am I supposed to do - the fact I am stopping it from having more kittens doesnt seem to interest them, plus this is what we do.. so basically this guy dobbed me in it. Fortunately we only hold garage sales on camp so these are the only things affected but we will have to meet about it to decide what to do. I don't know what is up with these people - we are providing a service and helping animals and being punished for it!! Anyway, I now have a cat in my bathroom - I got her back from the vet and couldn't let her out, so am now trying to re-home her... I have a few leads, so am hopeful... Also bought Bill, the cat, back, who has been scrapping and his face is in a right mess - it looked worse again tonight so he has gone back to the vet to recouperate for a few more days. It is so frustrating not having a house at times... I am also trying to catch the cat that battered Bill but so far he hasn't taken my bait in the trap....
So then BA decided to go on strike, so I have been trying to re-arrange all my travel plans home over the past few days. I have moved my original BA flight to December and am flying KLM to Birmingham - I just want to make my cruise... that has been a headache..
Have been at the gym on and off too - training down there too. Last weekend was great over in Bahrain - went to the beach and then Wranglers for Lou's birthday - we had such a laugh and there were certainly some characters in there. My drinking water inbetween each drink paid off and I was ok the ne
xt day too... Oh yeh Weds went to the mall to try and find a dress to the ball with no luck. Also, I decided to come out in a rash all over my face and neck - it seems I have some allergy to shellfish now too - so was pretty blotchy all weekend!!!!
This weekend I am visiting the new BAe compound tonight and then tomorrow have a PAWS meeting, a mall day, collect more free animal food then there is a beach party...
Anyway, 13 days to go and counting...
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