The UK was great - I had a few days in Centre Parcs (in Sherwood Forest) with my sisters and George. As you can see, George is growing up quickly! Spent quite a lot of time with Dad and also caught up with some friends locally and also in Chester and London. And I managed to do quite a bit of shopping too which is always good. I was very cold all the time and although it was nice to see the snow it did cause a few travel issues, but not with my flights fortunately.
There were quite a few friends I didnt get to see this time - I guess due to Christmas and NY being over the weekend and folk busy with work do's etc. I only plan to be home in 2011 for around 5 days so will be having a get together at Dad's house one night in June, if anyone wants to see me then. Other than that, you won't really see me!
Life has been very busy since I got back. I have gone head first into sorting out the PAWS event I have arranged for next Thursday - a 70/80/90s bad taste disco! Should be fun. I think I have sold around 150 tickets! Also, am more involved in the garage sales now as Carol retired (who helped out alot with them). So, I was helping set that up on Weds and I believe they made a good amount of money on Thursday at the sale. My class started last Saturday - Total Fitness - which seemed to go down a storm - I just did a load of new stuff which everyone enjoyed and think I will be even busier tonight! Started German again and am training Leanne - who is also a Personal Trainer - so she trains me, I train her! And I have been running around into town to do stuff - I got a load of t-shirts printed for PAWS as Recreation have banned PAWS from being actively involved in anything on Aramco - there is a doggie dawdle on Thursday and I am going to wear my "I support PAWS" t-shirt, just to prove a point, along with some other friends! Last year, by the way - I managed to help re-home 114 cats and kittens!!! Not bad going really!
I just found out I passed my Advanced Exam for Personal Training - so all that is left now is the nutrition work and then a course which I have to do in the UK when I am home (if I can fit it in!).
There are a few changes at work - I am getting two new bosses next month. One has already retired and the other one is on an extension anyway, so its going to be challenging with two new guys. I know that one of them is very nice so thats good, but we don't know much about the other one...
So, will be home next in June. I have a weekend booked for Dad's 70th and aim to be home around the 20th June. Then I go on a cruise for 2 weeks 2nd July and then back to Saudi. In April I am doing my Competent Crew Course in Dubai and September might have a week somewhere and then November I might go to Canada - I am waiting to see how it pans out with the new guys regarding holidays. I want to take a few extra days this year...
The housing saga continues - I hear on the grapevine that more houses are being made available for the females, but I kinda believe things now when they happen... it is the only thing here really that does my head in... I keep hoping I will get a house someday soon though!
Anyway, might see you this year if you can get over to Mansfield to see me .... write soon...
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