Hey folks - another few weeks has gone by already. Classes are continuing to be busy - I have had 18+ folk coming - its been great. I have also started personal training lessons with Leanne - another instructor - she teaches me in return for me teaching her - c
urrently we are seeing how far we can push each other to the limit for an hour! Its quite funny seeing the two of us shouting at each other in the gym! Quite a few of my friends that I have known for ages are leaving - one of them being Heather - (on the right next to me) I have known her since 1995 and she is also the sister to my friend Helen's husband! Small world. Robyn and Sue, also in the photo have worked out in Saudi and with me on and off since 1995 too! So we go back a while!
We had the doggie dawdle also a few weeks ago where we did a walk and raised money for PAWS. I spent the weekend on Sara - went out and met up with a few friends and then just chilled out on the Friday.
This week has been so busy with my two new bosses starting work. They are both really nice (so far) - Basil and Adel - both Saudi guys. And I am actually doing proper work again - its great! No news on the housing - no list out again for 5 weeks but we have had bad rains here and there have been alot of leaking roofs, so I can only assume maintenance have been busy fixing them rather than renovating houses. It doesnt make it any easier though now - over 3 years in temporary accommodation - its still the only major bug bear I have (well apart from now being told we wash our clothes in the shared laundries at our own risk!!). Myself and Raj did a housing survey to the girls and received over 200 + replies, so we are slowly sifting through them! Its taking time...!!
I have been busy with PAWS (as ever) - managed to re-home quite a few cats over the past few weeks - 5 of them were Persians who we saved from being "let out" onto the street and I was at the US consulate also the other day checking out all their cats - they have a fair few to be sterilized - around 15! Been to several parties, had the PAWS do (photos above) - we had a great night - hectic but everyone really had a great time. The costumes were good too! And this week has been a round of getting used to the new bosses, having a proper sports massage whi
ch was amazing, teaching, German, gym, cooking curry and doing more PAWS stuff! I also had my hand henna'd!
We have Saturday off this week so myself, Tracy and Lou are off to Bahrain tomorrow morning to get our hair done and then do a bit of shopping, followed by a movie and dinner and on Friday we are going to brunch at the Movenpick and then meeting up with some friends.
I have just about sorted holidays out this year too - I am in Dubai and Abu Dhabi in April for my competent crew course and to visit my friend Liss in AD. Home in June and July for Dad's 70th and the cruise, in Oman (I think) in September, home again September for a week and to finish off my personal training qualification and then hopefully Canada in November - if I can negotiate some extra (unpaid) holidays with work....
Anyway, thats it from me. Hope you are all ok.
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