Last week was another busy one - as ever!! I was out for food Tuesday night with some old friends from DMC who I worked with 15 years ago - so we had a catch up. Wednesday was Spooks closing night - he has been running his bar now for several years and its become a bit of an institution - in fact Spook is a bit of an institution and a larger than life character - I have known him since 1998 myself!!! It was a wild night I must say and ended (for me) at 4am - some of the others apparently kept going all of the next day and the following night I believe!!! (Spook is in the middle of Cheryl and Scott)
Busy this week - taught circuits Saturday and Monday - Monday was my last Monday class as Val takes over now so I can now get back to the running club! Saturday had a dash to the
dentist again as I had a shooting pain up my face from my dodgy tooth - seems the root canal still isn't sorted. Its ok again now - I hope it lasts so I can have it filled at some point for good! Went to town with Tracy Sunday - bad move going into the pet shop - they had 2 gorgeous puppy dogs in there - I wanted to save them so much! Poor things - they aren't kept in the best condition..
Anyway, this weekend there are a few socials on tomorrow and then we are off to Ugir and to find desert roses all day Thursday and Thursday night just a small do on camp so hopefully will be compus mentus to do some revision Friday!
I am now doing my personal training practical via DVD which will save me a trip to Dubai and also can sit the theory exam in Bahrain so I am happy about that, so have been pretty busy putting together all my papers and teaching Sheryl at the gym...
Anyway, over and out from me.
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