Hello folks - not sure if you have all seen this photo of me diving but i think its a pretty good action photo of me!! Had another busy week again (whats new!!?) - started treatment at the dentist for a root canal - I had said last year after one of these I never wanted another - and although my dentist out here is very good, it is still a not very nice procedure... I felt ok on Monday after treatment though and managed to teach a class somehow and then had a casino night meeting. Tuesday we went into town to look for dresses for the ball this week but I came home empty handed and have decided to wear an old one I have to save on money! Didn't do much on Weds and then up early for th
e Qatif trip on Thursday at 6am - I wa
s helping Louise again as a tour escort! Enjoyed the trip - I had done it before, many years ago. We vis
ited the markets - bought lots of bread - this bread is so lovely - they have some made with cheese and some with sugar on it - I bought some back to freeze and we ate loads! Missed out on the animal market as I knew I would want to let them all go free! I did spot a man walking round with a cage of chickens on his head tho and
saw this cow in a truck and I loved the Anne Summers style store - don't really get it when all the women cover up in head to toe black - I wonder if they do wear this stuff under their abayas!!???
After the market we went to see the fish market and vegetable market - I didn't like the fish market at all - I saw many of the fish lying there that had been swimming around me the week before! I think I have gone off fish! It really smelt bad too! The veg market was great - all fresh stuff and cheap but you had to buy in bulk!!
We then went on to a fort and to look at some old buildings made out of mud..
We got back around 1.30pm - I ran a few errands, had a quick kip (knew it would be a big night) and then went off to the band night! Spent most of the evening on the door really - had some great helpers, of course, helping me sell the door tickets and the raffle tickets. There must have been around 250 folk there I reckon - had a few gate issues - people who couldnt find their name on the list so my mobile phone never stopped all night! Great success though - did the drawer - gave a speech about cats and managed to re-home a few then too - and we made a really good amount for PAWS too! The bands and DJ were great - everyone had a wonderful time and I have many emails saying what a good night it was! It went on til around 6am I believe!!
So, Friday I didn't really do much - had a chill out day!!
This week has been really busy at work - haven't stopped til today really to be honest!! Taught Saturday - circuits - full class - Sunday more root canal treatment - it was really horrific this time and I felt awful afterwards - came back to work but soon went home and just stayed in bed most the evening. I am back there today and hope it isn't as bad today! Be glad when its all over... Been out for dinner too with friends I haven't seen in months too! Its such a small world on Aramco but sometimes you don't see friends for ages!
Anyway, thats all folks. Keep in touch as I always say!!
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