Hi folks - here are some of the photos from the Paddy's Ball in Bahrain last weekend. It was ok I guess - there were quite a lot of "gaps" where nothing much was happening though - we were still eating at 10pm and the band didn't come on til gone 11pm - same last year - seemed to be lots of waiting around - but it was ok! It wasn't a late night out for us though!!
Last week was very busy at work - we had quite a lot of visitors over and there seemed to be lots of travel orders to do too...
I taught circuits on Saturday and Monday also - numbers are good so I am making a bit of extra cash now from that. I hope to start some personal training at the gym soon too. Looks like my personal training exam could be at the end of April now as Impact are coming back to Bahrain - it will save a trip to Dubai and save me money of course! So, am aiming for that right now...
I had more trips to the dentist for my root canal - I "think" it is on the mend finally now and hope next week she can finally fill it.
I also went to a happy hour last Weds which was really nice - the garden was all decked out Zen like! Really good evening and I caught up with a few folk I hadn't seen for ages... Over to Bahrain Thursday morning with the girls - got nails and hair done and also ended up in Sherlocks for pre-ball drinks although I stuck to soft drinks and coffee - I am becoming sensible in my old age!!
Friday we had breakfast and Ricks and then came back and I spent all afternoon preparing for my Come Dine with Me meal - here are the results:

This weekend is the end of an era. Spook's on Azziz is closing down - its been a constitution for years and many a good night has been had there.... so tonight we are going to Spook's closing down party. Four of the BAe compounds are closing down and everyone is moving to a "super compound" so hence the reason for the last call at Spooks.. Tomorrow I have 3 new people coming to see me regarding helping out with PAWS and then I have a happy hour from 6-9 and then the final band night at Nada (before that closes too!).
So, another busy one....
Anyway, write soon...
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